Monday, January 30, 2017

How To Meet Rednecks

        In this article about how to meat rednecks, we'll introduce ourselves. We are the comidy shade, a internet page that'll bring y'all readers the most relivant content, with the greatest personality from the deep south and other sadly underdeveloped areas. Assuming Janine isn't using the dialup connection to talk to her Billy on the phone 24/7.
        We'll bring u mispelled comments on haircuts, sports (if we get nascar tickets from uncle Darryl), Oil in saudia 'rabia, and even tips on "Startin and runnin your own socialnetwork". Please subscribe once we figure out how to set that up, and foller us on all the networks and things that're out there on the internet.

---Tiberius Spencer Wooddley

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