I tale u wut, I dun don’t know how this whole fifteen minutes of fame works. Either way it is strange to me how for a few days, someone is in the spotlight, the next, they ain't. Man, understandin that logic is almost like tryna catch a frog covered in jelly.
Hello again folks, it’s your ol’ pal Buckanier Bessie here to give you the scoop on our redneck reps in the entertainment world. For the purpose of my limited sources and the fact that the wifi company is on my tail, here are some updates from two of our favorites.
First, we got ourselves little miss Honey Boo Boo. Y’all remember this little one right? Her debut on Toddlers and Tiaras made that chickie spread around like gravy on a biscuit. A few years back, she got herself a TV show of her own. Boy did America just love seenin’ her and her family. Now I will be honest with y’all, the rabbit ears on my tellyvision have been broken since October. What can I say, Tiberius got all upset with the connection was lost in the middle of the NASCAR race. So, I really don’t know where exactly Honey Boo Boo is now. My educated guess would be that she is still doin her thing and being a good auntie. Yew know her niece is without a left thumb?
Alrighty, now we have meester Hillbilly Handfishin himself, Skip. This crazy fella made a living off of catching fish or sumthin. I remember this guys bing crazy to watch. This guy would just go out in the waters and, you guessed it, catch fish, with his hands! More so, he’d show them city folk how to do it. I don’t know about what y’all think, but to me that seems just as pointless as deer antlers on a rabbit. If anythin I guess it showed them city folk that we rednecks have some skills they ain't ever gonna have. I won’t lie to y’all it was kind of fun to see ol’ Skip shove his nose to the “common man” every now and then. Heck, it inspired me to test out my own hand fishin skills. Sure, I ended up in the hospital that day but that’s another story for another day. Anywho, I don’t think I have heard from Skip in a while. He has actually yet respond to my letter askin him what he’s been up to. Either my letter got lost in the mail or the catfish gathered together to plot some kind of rebellion. So now he may be in a belly of a fish somewhere! That or his show got the boot. All are possible situations.
Well folks, there you have it. Two beloved rednecks and where they are now. All of this research really had me reflect on the crazy ride we call life. One minute you could be on sum TV show showing city folk just what true living is like. The next, you really could end up in sum river making a living on teaching city people how to catch their dinner. This all made me appreciate the good ol’ redneck luxuries. Let me tell y’all I love nothin more than comin home to my chair and TV dinner. Heck, I’ll take that over sum five star steak any ol’ day.