We think of redneck music in pretty closed terms. Its the goal of the Redneck Playlist Hilight post series to figer out what the real redneck musical identity is. We're gonna hilight a playlist from Spotify for every post wit a different tone/style.
First up we go "redneck playlist" by spoterfy user mattdowneyjetsjets88. Its more of yer usual country, modern pop stuff with the anthemic chorus and the big drums, feat. singers like Blake Shelton and a TON of Colt Ford. This is the stuff some untasteful plebieans might lable as 'country trash'. Its a big part of redneck music and personally I think a lot of skill goes into music like this. "Country" is a much broader genera than that of Redneck music, but it fills a very important part of the ven diagram of redneck style.
Big budget producshions like these songs reflect the musicl culture of nashville, TN, one of the foremost music recording cities in the US (and coincidentally in the south), and other big southern cities. This stuff is pretty catchy and everything, with the steel guitars (the ones that slide up and down the notes without frets) and the bold strong voices.
But what we're missing is the bluegrass sound, the true appalachian blue mountain rednecks who dont have electricity or toothbrushes or cell phones service.
Well we can get to that next time, here on Redneck Playlist Hilight!
Here's the playlist... have a listen!
(I'm not sure why Stressed Out by 21 pilots is in this playlist because they definetly aren't redneck or country)
This here vidya is what most people think about redneck music, but we want to go deeper in to the genre and define it in a more meaningful way.
By Tiberius. Follow us on the bar to the right to hear more insights!
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