Sunday, February 26, 2017

Baseball with Donnie Baker

        I tale u wut…. I was mindin my own business walkin my dog kritter, wen all of a sudden this white ball thing fell out the sky and struck me right in the noggin. It dang near almost kilt me, I thought God wuz tryin to tell me somethin becuz I stole a big gulp from the 7/11 down the street earlier in the week. I thought that this wuz what you called “karma.” Nope, I was wrong. I got up and saw a guy coming over to check on me. He was wearing these funny pants and these shoes that looked like they had nails attached to them. He introduced himself as Donnie Baker. I asked wat had hit me and Donnie said it was a baseball. I said wat is a baseball? He said “here come follow me and I’ll show wat baseball is.”

        I followed him onto this field with a patch of dirt on it. He told me that he had just got done shooting a video to be recruited. He looked a little old to be recruited but I never told him that. Donnie went on to talk about how he thought that he was the best baseball player in the world. I believed him becuz I had never heard of baseball and Donnie seemed pretty legit at it so I took his word for it. He begins to explain to me wat baseball is and wat I got out of it was that u take this metal long thing and you swing it and a white ball thing. There’s wat is called hitting, fielding and pitching. There’s 8 guys that play the field and 1 guy who pitches the white ball thing. The hitter gets 4 balls and 3 strikes to get on base. There’s 9 innings and u get 3 outs to score runs. Donnie continued to talk about baseball and I haven’t been this confused since my buddy Didley told me about how u can marry the same gender but u can’t marry your pet pig.
        After I left Donnie, I went home and did some diggin on wut this baseball game is truly about and to see if Donnie was lying to me or not. As I kept diggin, I found out that people play this game professionally and get paid millions of dollars. Do you have any idea how many cold beers and snakeskin boots I can buy witha million dollars? I didn’t see Donnie’s picture on anything that I looked up when it came to baseball, so I assumed he was lying about being the best baseball player in the world. After that day with Donnie, I never seen him again. I don’t know if it was becuz he finally achieved his dream of being recruited, or becuz a scout came out and watched him and told him that he was so bad that he should never step on a baseball field again. I guess I’ll never know. One day I was exploring baseball on the internet and Donnie’s video came up. I put the link on the blog, comment what you think of it. Thank you for checking out this blog! Dudley out!

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